新闻 2024年6月19日

Mitie sows the seeds of biodiverse landscapes with flowering lawn trials

  • Mitie has introduced two flowering lawn trials in Leuchars, Scotland and Dudley
  • A middle ground between traditional grass and wildflower meadows, 开花草坪提供了生物多样性, 整洁的, and easy to maintain solution for commercial landscapes
  • The trials are taking place across two locations and have been cultivated using three methods, in order to determine the best 科技nique for different climates

Mitie is trialling the use of flowering lawns across two of its contracts in Leuchars and Dudley. A middle ground between traditional manicured lawns and wildflower meadows, the flowering lawns provide an attractive and environmentally beneficial solution to covering managed grassland. 审判期间, Mitie will measure the benefits the lawns have on local biodiversity, recording the types of plant species present and their respective quantities.

One of the main benefits of flowering lawns is their positive contribution to biodiversity. This includes attracting species such as bees which pollinate the flowers while foraging for nectar, 允许植物播种和繁殖. 没有传粉者, 植物不能茁壮成长, 然而, 35 UK bee species are under threat of extinction(1) due to climate change and pesticides. Flowering plants provide the necessary food needed for bees which, 反过来, supports the creation of food and habitats for a range of other creatures like birds, 蝙蝠和其他动物, 支持可持续的生态系统.

Flowering lawns also offer a more aesthetically pleasing look to wilder alternatives all year round. This makes them a great option for corporate environments where customers often prefer the 整洁的 look of a traditional grass lawn compared to meadows, 但还是要支持生物多样性. While wildflower meadows look their best during summer months, 恶劣的天气会导致它们受损, 影响外观. 这对开花的草坪来说不是问题, which are low growing and far more resilient to weather changes. 最重要的是, 它们很容易维护, as they can be cut regularly and flowers will re-grow quickly, meaning they look bright and tidy throughout the seasons.

作为审判的一部分, Mitie has planted 34 plant species across two lawns in Leuchars and Dudley, which have been cultivated using different 科技niques across three sections. 在接下来的12-36个月里, Mitie将监测结果, measuring which plant species are thriving or underachieving across the lawns, assessing the presence and quantity of plants like Yarrow and Corncockle. Mitie will then be able to use the data generated from this trial to understand the most appropriate sowing 科技niques, and the most suitable species for different climates and soil conditions, 哪些可以根据客户的位置进行定制.

Tim Howell, Managing Director, 风景, Mitie, said:

“As part of our strategy to be the UK’s greenest commercial landscaping provider, we’re always looking to trial new 创新s to keep us leading the 行业. Our customers are showing increasing demand for solutions that support biodiversity on their sites, so we look forward to delving into the results of these trials to understand how flowering lawns can develop nature positive landscapes whilst maintaining a 整洁的 and attractive appearance.”

(1)从a 地球之友研究

